Typical grown on the Irish coast or around the Caribbean islands, you have a variety of Seamoss, golden, purple and a variation of colours. All holding a enormous amount of benefits for the body inside and out.
Right lets list some facts!
so our bodies contain 102 minerals and vitamins that complete out body. this means if we give give the body all 102 we are allowing our bodies to preform at a higher level and be more successful in keeping us healthy, less illness, less cravings, better skin, hair and nails, more energy, better sleep, healthier gut, better bowl movements and YES....higher libido.

This wonderful Seamoss can help with thyroid issues and acne.
It can really help us inside and out.
Best way to obtain the best benefits is to consume it daily.
Why Buy your Seamoss from Ardun Life you ask? We get our Seamoss directly from the Caribbean, wildcrafed and dried in the Caribbean sun! Organic and no middle men! We hydrate and blend with spring water never tap or filtered. We keep our gel thicker than most popular brands, as we believe in giving you the best possible chance of having the real benefits. Not overlly watery, ready to be added to smoothies, taken straight or what we find best, add to orange juice or lime juice in the mornings! 1 table spoon a day! thats it! one and you gain 92 minerals.
I hear you asking, whats the 10 minerals this wonderful Seamoss Gel is missing? Here is the list of ten minerals missing from Seamoss gel thulium, tin, titanium, tungsten, uranium, vanadium, xenon, ytterbium, yttrium, and zirconium. But guess what! add Burdock to it and that is the full 102!

You may have 92 problems but minerals and vitamins aint one!
If you have not tried Seamoss gel in your daily diet I encourage you to. People have noticed the difference in their health, hormone balance and gut. Once you have tried it i promise you, you will be a Seamoss advocate and just like me will start to encourage people to take it.
Seamoss has not age limit and can be added to children's porridge or mashed fruits. My son and I add it to orange juice and sarsaparilla. I personally fell more energised and defiantly do not get as many stomach issues. Helps with weight loss and best part....use is as a face mask or hair mask! Leave on your face or hair till it dries and wipe off. Leave face glowing and hydrated.
No matter what its worth a trial, a jar starts from £14.99, you be mad not to. I know you body will thank you for it.
Till our next chat.....
Love Miss Ardun